Trust Audit Services

Trust account audits are compliance audits of Trust Accounts. They are conducted by qualified Trust Account Auditors in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Some of the Trust Account Audits undertaken by us are listed below:

Real Estate Agents Trust Account Audit

All Real Estate Agents need to comply under the Property Occupations Act 2014 as it has replaced PAMD (Property Agents and Motor Dealers) Act on 1st Dec 2014. They need to submit the annual report to the Office of Fair Trading if the licensed agent is operating a Trust Account.

Solicitors Trust Account Audit

All Solicitors who set up and operate trust accounts in Queensland report to the Queensland Law Society. All Solicitors need to comply under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (QLD) when operating a trust account in Queensland.

Travel Agents Trust Account Audit

All licensed travel agents in Australia need to report to the Travel Compensation Fund with their Financial Statements and Trust Account audit report. An annual audit is a mandatory requirement for all the licensed Travel Agents in Australia.

Public Accountants Trust Account Audit

All Public accountants who practice in Queensland are required to annual reporting requirements to the Dept of Justice and Attorney General if operating a Trust Account. They need to comply with (Trust Accounts Act 1973) if operating a Trust Account.

Motor Dealers / Auctioneers Trust Account Audit

Any Motor Dealer / Auctioneer operating a Trust Account has to comply and full fill the annual reporting requirements to Office of Fair Trading under Motor Dealers and Chattel Auctioneers Act 2014 as it has replaced the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 on 1st Dec 2014.

Resident Letting Agents Trust Account Audit

Any Resident Letting Agent operating a Trust Account has to comply and full fill the annual reporting requirements to Office of Fair Trading under Property Occupations Act 2014 as it has replaced the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 on 1st Dec 2014.


Request a Free Consultation

If you are looking for a Qualified and Professional Trust Auditor for your Trust Account then wait no more and get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you.
Please call one of our Qualified Trust Account Auditors to assist you on 1300 2 A U D I T (1300 228 348 ) or email or click the link below to enquire.